Park Lane Primary

Year 1- 

On this page you will find detailed information on the curriculum work being undertaken currently, in the school year 2023/2024 for Park Lane Primary School Year 1 classes. Weekly learning updates are posted in your child's Google Classroom.

2023-2024- These are working documents and will be reviewed and updated as necessary- 

Subject Document

 Yearly Overview


 Autumn Term- The Animal World

 Autumn Term- Animals Knowledge Organiser

 Autumn Term- Humans Knowledge Organiser

 Spring Term- What's The Weather?

 Spring Term- What's The Weather Knowledge Organiser

 Summer Term- Materials

 Summer Term- Materials KO


 Autumn Term- Remembering Significant People and Events

 Autumn Term- Gunpowder Plot Knowledge Organiser

 Spring Term- Explorers

 Summer Term - Timelines


 Autumn Term- What Should I Pack For My Holiday?

 Autumn Term- Knowledge Organser

Spring Term- Why Do We Recycle?

 Spring Term- Recycling Knowledge Organisers

Summer Term - Fieldwork

Summer Term - Fieldwork KO

Art and DT

 Autumn Term- Drawing

 Autumn Term- Art- Drawing Knowledge Organiser

 Spring Term- Painting- Andy Warhol

 Spring Term- Painting Knowledge Organiser

 Spring Term- DT- What is the best design for a kite?

Summer Term- Art- Sculpture- Andy Goldsworthy

 Summer Term- Art KO


 Autumn Term- Computer Safety

 Autumn Term- E-Safety

 Spring Term- Digital Art

 Spring Term- Digital Design


 Autumn Term- Attack, Defend and Shoot

 Autumn Term- Dance

 Spring Term- Gymnastics

 Spring Term- Send and Return


 Autumn Term- The Creation Story

 Spring Term- Christianity

 Spring Term- Judaism


 Year 1 PSHE Yearly Overview

 Autumn Term- Road Safety

 Autumn Term- Bullying

 Spring Term- Being Responsible


 Autumn Term- Finding the Beat- How can we make friends when we sing together?

 Spring Term- Exploring Sounds