Park Lane Primary

Year Group Overviews

We track each term which units have been taught and teachers track the objectives and SPaG skills to ensure coverage over the year. This tracking also allows us to ensure coverage of non-fiction, fiction and poetry is consistent and the texts chosen are rich and varied. We consider and plan for the audience and purpose of our units of work to ensure our children are writing for a reason and developing their authorial voice with a purpose in mind.

Finally we plan our independent writing opportunities to ensure we are giving our children time to write at length to apply the key foundational skills of writing that they have been taught.

This document is an example work in progress that is updated each term- 

eyfs writing.pdf

year 1 writing.pdf

year 2 writing.pdf

year 3 writing.pdf

year 4 writing.pdf

year 5 writing.pdf

year 6 writing.pdf